Welcome to E-HORN!
The East and Horn of Africa Election Observers Network (E-HORN) is a regional network of citizen election observer groups in the East and Horn of Africa. The E-HORN network’s founding members were drawn from 5 countries in the East and Horn of Africa region: Citizens' Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda - CCEDU (Uganda), South Sudanese Network for Democracy and Elections - SSUNDE (South Sudan), Sudanese Group for Democracy and Elections - SuGDE (Sudan), Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee - TEMCO (Tanzania), Kenya Human Rights Commission - KHRC, and Elections Observation Group - ELOG (Both Kenya).

Our Vision & Mission

E-HORN envisions genuine democratic and peaceful elections realized by promoting regular, free and credible elections through strengthening and supporting non-partisan citizen observation and monitoring groups in the East and Horn of Africa.
Our Objectives;
To research and advocate for electoral standards and practices in the region based on international and regional standards;
To strengthen the capacity of member organizations to observe and monitor elections in their respective countries; and
  To enhance solidarity and partnership amongst network members to support the conduct of democratic elections in the East and Horn of Africa.