About Our Organization

Our Scope

East and Horn of Africa Observers Network

We are a regional network of citizen election observer groups in the East and Horn of Africa. The E-HORN network’s founding members were drawn from 5 countries in the East and Horn of Africa region: Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda – CCEDU (Uganda), South Sudanese Network for Democracy and Elections – SSUNDE (South Sudan), Sudanese Group for Democracy and Elections – SuGDE (Sudan), Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee – TEMCO (Tanzania), Kenya Human Rights Commission – KHRC, and Elections Observation Group – ELOG (Both Kenya).

Election Observations

E-HORN has held 4 regional conferences in 2013,2014 ,2018 and 2022. During the 2022 regional conference...

Research and Documentation

The Governance and Development Program also assesses the quality of democracy through ...


E-Horn Centre for Legislative Engagement operates as a think-tank that ...

Meet the Success Team
